On Friday 1st of December, The London Irish Foundation hosted our Annual Inclusion Festival in celebration of the International Day of Persons Disability (03.12.2023) at Braywick Leisure Centre.
Participants from attending schools and clubs met at Braywick Leisure Centre in Maidenhead for a day full of sporting fun. The attendees were exposed to a variety of inclusive sports as well as adapted games such as Rugby Netball, Walking Football, Boccia, Inflatables, Target Games, Cornhole, Disk Throwing, New Age Bowls, Quoits, New Age Kurling.
Our event aimed to bridge the gap between sport and those with disabilities while ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment to do so and we once again had great success doing so.
A driving factor as to why The London Irish Foundation host such a special event is upkeeping with the themes of the International Day of Persons Disabilities. The celebration of all people. The aim is to recognise and value the diversity of our community, and to cherish the role we all play, regardless of our abilities, proving that “sport has no boundaries”.
The Foundation celebrated with our community welcoming hundreds of people with ranging disabilities taking part in inclusive sports.
Rhys Mynott, Inclusion Lead for this event, said, “To see such huge smiles on so many faces throughout the leisure centre, epitomised the passion and enjoyment from so many”.
The London Irish Foundations CEO Andy Keast said, “ I would like to thank Leisure Focus (Jatinder Rakhra), Addington School, Oaklands School, High Oak School and the Castle School for bringing along their groups as well as many volunteers who made sure that the morning of fun was achieved and celebrated”.
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