28, Mar, 2024
VRU Spring Programme Complete Their Team Building At Longridge Activity Centre
On the 25th and 26th of March the London Irish Foundation took our Spring VRU school groups to Longridge activity centre as the 10 week Spring VRU programme comes to an end and what a day it was !
Throughout the day the girls took part in a number of team building activities and fun games that they absolutely ripped into ! A hugely enjoyable day to round up a massively successful campaign that all at the London Irish Foundation are so proud of. Our VRU lead James Carne was ecstatic after our final session and had the following to say about the past 10-weeks:
"We have had the privilege of watching this group of girls from different schools come together, make friends and form relationships while learning so much about the potential opportunities they can uptake in their futures. We cannot wait to see these girls progress and we wish them the very best !"
As our VRU Spring programme has come to an end we would like to thank the London Violence Reduction Unit and the Mayor Of London for their support. We would also like to thank all the companies that came in and spoke to our groups during the 10-week period; The Royal Navy, The Metropolitan Police, City Group Security, Heathrow and Spotify.
The London Irish Foundation are very excited for our Summer Term programmes and hoping to again positively improve the lives of even more young women.
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